Castleisland Races Committee will hold its AGM at Tom McCarthy’s Bar on Friday, February 21st. at 9pm.
At this point in the committee’s year of activity they issue an invitation to charities in the locality to apply for the proceeds of their annual, June race meeting.
The committee presented a total of €4,625 to three local charities in ideal, summer evening conditions on the ‘flags’ outside Tom McCarthy’s Central Bar last July.
This was the total proceeds from the races and from the Humphrey Murphy Memorial Fun Run and it included the take from tickets sold in the run up to the races.
The charities to benefit were: Kerry Cancer Support Group Bus which received €1,950; Castleisland Social Club got a present of €1,000 and Glebe Lodge received €1,650.
To date, the race committee has raised over one hundred and ten thousand euros – that’s €110,000 – for local charities and they wish to acknowledge the generosity of their sponsors and supporters who contribute and help every year.
Applicants for the 2014 races funds are invited to apply with details to: kayreidy@live.ie