On the lighter side of the kind of darkness we endured recently comes the opportunity for photography enthusiasts to do something completely different.
Just for the fun of it I took off down the darkened street under the light and influence of the full moon. With the camera on manual it’s nearly all guesswork in that kind of light.
It makes you think about the camera and its capabilities – other than using it as just a point and shoot mechanism. You can see how the wind was driving the clouds and the motion blurred the moon.
The streaks are from passing cars and vans and they all helped to throw extra light on the subject.
Specifics for those interested: Canon 30D on a tripod and set to Manual. Shutter speed 30 counted seconds; Aperature F10; ISO 800. The light of the moon and several vehicles and the will of God. Location: Lower Main Street, Castleisland from Bob Finn’s Corner to The Poets’ Inn. I’m not holding it up as an example of good or great photography – just something to think about during the next blackout – God forgive me. ©Photograph: John Reidy 12-2-2014