A well-heralded beard and head shave took place at The Kingdom House Bar here in Castleisland on Saturday, March 15th. Many in the huge attendance saw the event as an opportunity to kick-start the St. Patrick’s weekend celebrations – and they did so with gusto. All proceeds for this event will soon go to Downs Syndrome Kerry Branch.
Information Provider
The main organisers included: Helen Leen of the Kingdom House Bar; local man Peter O’Connor of Dulague and George Glover took on the job of information provider. Helen and Peter came up with the idea of a head and beard shave and choose Downs Syndrome Kerry as the charity. Amongst those participating in the big shave were: the afore mentioned, Peter O’Connor, Thomas Callaghan, Tim O’Leary, Tom O’Connor, Dave Curran, Denis Brosnan, George Glover and members of the O’Connor family. The event got going around the 9pm mark and it was clear early on that the idea was turning out to be a good one.
Weekend Revellers
The main bar was full of weekend revellers and supporters of those waiting to be expertly and rapidly shorn by Pat Scannell of Classic Barbers. A week or so after the event now, it is even clearer that the night was an outstanding success. The hoped for €500 to €1,000 figures have been left lying in the ashes with the sweeping-up and a bold, new figure of €4,400 – and counting – has risen in its place.
Still Counting
“We’re delighted that the night went so well. We’re at €4,400 and we’re still counting and getting donations. We’ll have a final tally soon and a cheque to present to the Kerry branch of Downs Syndrome Ireland and we’ll know more then – but we’re very happy for all involved and our great supporters,” said Mr. Glover. – ©John Reidy / The Maine Valley Post