Jim Murphy, Knocknagoshel Village passed on to his eternal reward on Thursday, 20th February 2014 at Kerry General Hospital, Tralee. He was 71 years of age and the youngest son of Tadhg and Kate Murphy, Knocknagoshel Village. He attended the local village primary school, and did a 2 year course atAbbeyfeale Vocational School. There he excelled at lathe work, general mechanical engineering Mechanical drawing etc. He was very good at metalwork and conversant with the use of Verniers, Calipers, Micrometers and all fitting and turning equipment.
This experience stood well to him when as a youthful 17 year old he emigrated to the Industrial City of Birmingham. He secured employment with a firm manufacturing LPG components and spent the next five years with the same Company in Birmingham. Jim was always interested in Social activities the G.A.A. and community work. He was the first Secretary of the Kingdom Football Club in Birmingham and together with the late Liam Cotter, The Spa, organised the Club recruited the players, mainly Kerry exiles. Their efforts were successful and led to a visit of the team to Kerry in the early 60’s where they played games in Rathmore and elsewhere. Jim was also a member of the O’Connor Pipe Band in Birmingham and helped to organise the visit of the entire band to the Tralee Rose Festival and to his Knocknagoshel Village in 1962. He also served on the committee of Feis Birmingham.
His great love of Ireland, Knocknagoshel and Kerry ensured that he would return home when work became available. He came home in 1964 to work in the Ball Bearing Factory, Tralee and spent the remainder of his working life with Borg Warner- Tillotson until his retirement. Many of his work mates from both factories were present at his funeral.
He will be remembered locally in his native Knocknagoshel for his voluntary work with Leader, and the many Community Schemes in the area. He was a Director of the Sliabh Luachra Board for many years and was instrumental in securing the necessary State Funding and Lotto Grants for the G.A.A. pitch the Gym and Community Centre. These were all projects near to his heart as was the creation of local employment and promoting of the village in the Tidy Towns Competition His comrades in the Knocknagoshel G.A.A. provided a guard of honour at his funeral and his work in enhancing his native village with its picturesque Parnell’s Square was also fittingly acknowledged by his colleague and friend Patricia Kirby O.S. who co-ordinated these very deserving projects and brought them to fruition.
For several years Jim Murphy served as correspondent to the popular local magazine “Sliabh Luachra Outlook”. By arrangement with the Manager Mr Tony Walsh, Jim would distribute the Saturday issue to the local shops and licensed premises. He never missed a week during his time with the “Outlook”.
The fruits of Jim Murphy’s Labour and all of their efforts and work can be seen today in the beautiful Village neat and tidy with all the modern social amenities. You could justly say in the words of C.H. Kicham they did it “For the credit of the little village”.
Most of Jim’s adult life was spent looking after his father, Tadhg and his mother Kate and they have passed on to their eternal reward both of them having an advanced age. May they rest in peace. Jim is now reunited with them in the Kingdom of Heaven. He had a peaceful death and had the care and attention of Dr. Kathleen Murphy, his beloved niece at all times especially in his final days
The Murphy family would like to acknowledge the care he received at U.C.C. Hospital , The Cork-Kerry Cancer Bus driver Mr Con Naughton, CEO Sean Prendergast and director of Men against Cancer, Mr Tim Corkery who visited Jim daily. The Pallitive care Unit and Dr Sheehan were great comfort to him and also The Staff of the Aghadoe Ward at Kerry General and all the Doctors who attended him there. His G.P. Dr Daly, Castleisland looked after him with love and care. also the H.S.E .Public health Nurses and Carers. The holy sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for their intentions.
Jims remains were laid to rest beside his mother and father in St Mary’s Cemetery Knocknagoshel. He was once an exile but now he returned home to rest in his native soil. The Undertakers Dave and Sheila Leahy organised the funeral and Fr. Dan Woods, Tipperary and Canon Mangan, Knocknagoshel said the funeral mass. The family of Jim Murphy wish to thank sincerely all who helped, sympathised, and joined with them on this sad occasion.
Jim is survived by his only brother Donal, and his sister in law Mary, Tralee nieces Siobhan and Kathleen, nephew Aiden, the extended Murphy and Greaney families and mourned by his many friends.
May the native soil of his beloved Knocknagoshel rest lightly on its loyal son. Ar dheis De go raibh a anam dilis. Ní bheidh a leithéid ann arís. Slán go Fóill a Shéamais, a Chara. – Donal Murphy