There’s a huge list of candidates from all the main parties and independents vying for your votes tomorrow, Friday, May 23rd in both local and European elections.
In our locality, the Killarney Electoral Area, there’s an even more bewildering total of 16 candidates fighting tooth and nail for the eight seats available to them. They’re all hoping that you’ll favour them with your No. 1 or your next highest preference. Needless to say, in the wake of a gruelling campaign, there will be tears on shoulders and political ambition on the floor of the count centre on Saturday evening.

Long standing party people will know exactly what to do and will seek out their men and women and will place their 1s 2s and 3s down through the ballot paper.
All the candidates will share the fear for the next couple of days that supporters will feel that their seats are safe and that they won’t bother voting.
They would all join in urging you to cast your vote in whatever direction you feel you should. This is a right our forefathers fought for. It is a right that many people in many countries around the world are still fighting and dying for. Here is a list of the Killarney Electoral Area candidates in the order in which they will appear on your Local Election ballot paper.
Good luck to all the candidates. They take the stand that many or most of us would run miles from. In spite of the abuse they get on behalf of the system they operate within, they’re still taking part in free and fair elections and upholding the most democratic process in the world.
It took a while and a lot of suffering to get it to this stage in Ireland today. If only for that reason alone we should make full use of it on Friday 23rd.
The 2009 Kerry County Council elections returned the following seats: 10 to Fine Gael; 7 to Fianna Fail; 4 to Labour; 2 to Sinn Fein and Independents / Others got 4.
The Killarney Electoral comprises of: Aghadoe, Aglish, Ballyhar, Brewsterfield, Carker, Castleisland, Clydagh, Coolies, Coom, Cordal, Currans, Derreen, Doocarrig, Flesk, Headfort, Kilbonane, Kilcummin, Kilfelim, Killarney Rural, Killarney Urban, Killeentierna, Knocknahoe, Lahard, Millbrook, Molahiffe, Muckross, Rathmore, Rockfield and Scartaglin.
The 2013 changes in the boundaries will have a huge impact on Saturday evening’s emerging results and for that we’ll have to wait and see.