A note from Marie Walsh is alerting people of the area who might like to book a seat on a bus for a day-trip to Glenstal Abbey. The bus will leave Garvey’s SuperValu car park at 8.15am. on Saturday, June 28th.
The trip will include: tea/coffee/scone on arrival; a rundown on the history of the Abbey; a tour and history of the Icon Chapel; Mass; a walk around the gardens; lunch and a stop-off in Adare on the return journey.
The Abbey has a shop in which you can buy ‘Abbey Brand’ chocolates, CDs of organ music and Gregorian Chant and books and you can get a fore-taste of the abbey on www.glenstal.com
A similar trip there last March was an outstanding success and it’s on the back of that venture that the demand came for the upcoming visit. The all-in cost of the trip is €40. And you’re advised to book early with Marie on: 086 10 32436