Ann McAuliffe, Castleisland taking part in the fiddle recital at Flanagan’s Bar during the Con Curtin Traditional Music Festival in Brosna on the Saturday afternoon of 2011. ©Photograph: John Reidy 25-6-2011 Read more…
Ann McAuliffe, Castleisland taking part in the fiddle recital at Flanagan’s Bar during the Con Curtin Traditional Music Festival in Brosna on the Saturday afternoon of 2011. ©Photograph: John Reidy 25-6-2011 Read more…
Ann McAuliffe, Castleisland taking part in the fiddle recital at Flanagan’s Bar during the Con Curtin Traditional Music Festival in Brosna on the Saturday afternoon of 2011. ©Photograph: John Reidy 25-6-2011 Read more…