Cordal GAA Club is proud to be associated with the Irish Blood Transfusion Service in promoting their ‘It’s in your Blood’ campaign. The GAA and the Irish Blood Transfusion Service have come together to promote blood donations through local football clubs. This campaign is directed especially at the senior players. Club members and supporters of football clubs all over the country are included.
“Each week the Irish Blood Transfusion Services require 3,000 blood donations and blood has only a shelf life of 35 days.Over 70,000 patients need a blood transfusion each year in Ireland,for some of us it may be the player next to you on the field or maybe one of the loyal supporters that turns out to see you play week after week,” said Cordal club spokesperson, Nora Fealey.
“At some stage in our life, one-in-four of us will need a blood transfusion. The great thing is one in 450 members of our community are already active donors .If you feel you would like to become a Blood Donor, the Irish Blood Transfusion Service will hold a blood donation clinic at Castleisland Community Centre on Wednesday and Thursday, August 27th and 28th from 6pm till 9pm.
Cordal GAA would like to urge all our senor players, members of our club and the surrounding community to attend this clinic and become a Blood Donor. It may be you or a family members who will require a blood donation in the future,” Nora concluded.