Do you want to be at The Party of the Year in Castleisland on Saturday night. We are giving away FIVE Tickets to the HercOileán Island Warrior Challenge after-party at An Riocht Athletic Club. A line-up of relief acts will entertain the ‘Island Warriors’ and their friends and supporters before the much anticipated appearance on stage of Hermitage Green.
They will be followed by a disco until late and a great night’s entertainment is being assured by the organisers. Tickets for the after party are being sold separately and you can get one at An Riocht AC right up and including all day Saturday. There is a ‘No-Ticket – No-Admission policy being adopted by the security people attached to the event.
Tickets to this new and exciting, sporting and social occasion on the local calendar are €10 each and The Maine Valley Post has five to give away here. All you have to do to win one is just Like & Share this post and your name is in the MVP hat.
Excitement is mounting in The Crageens area as the course is being prepared and obstacles begin to appear along the way. It will be an amazing, sporting spectacle for the locality as nothing of its kind has been seen or staged here before.
To find out more about the event itself you can click on: http://www.riocht.ie/hercoilean-2/ or: Tel: 066 71 43370 / 066 71 42199
An Ríocht, Crageens, Castleisland, Co Kerry, Ireland. Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9am – 9.30pm | Saturday, Sunday & Bank Hoidays 10am – 6pm