If you’re one of the 150,000 people who marched against the ‘Irish Water’ imposed charges in any of the cities and towns yesterday – you’ll love this.
If you’re one of the people who remember the introduction of the electronic voting machines a decade or so ago – you too will love this. Especially if you heard the relevant Fianna Fáil government ministers backing the ‘new technology’ to the hilt and ‘securing its future’ and getting rid of the ‘pencil age’ and all that. It’s all about waste of taxpayers money – one way or the other.
Put yourself in the shoes of Irish Water and the current government and ponder on your status as an upholder of democracy – God forbid – for a moment or two. Ponder then on the marching feet of 150,000 people hell bent on getting you to listen to a gripe they have with you.
Wouldn’t you be inclined to listen to them – or, at least, to their spokespeople. Wouldn’t it make perfect sense. Wouldn’t it be an act of courtesy and wouldn’t it be an old fashioned, advisable act of common sense.
The e-voting machines cost in the region of €54m that time and they were sold off at a tenner-a-piece for spare parts.
I don’t know how many people saw the Irish Water debate on The Late Late Show on Friday night. The audience reaction to the pro and anti debaters mirrored exactly what happened up and down this unfortunate country of ours on Saturday.
But look at this piece of genius from one of the hordes of talented minds and hands we have at our disposal throughout the country.
With a nod of deference in the direction of Listowel and the late, great Dr. John B. Keane and The Field. Have a look at the link here. You’ll love this…… http://youtu.be/0XlptOyY57E