Conventional wisdom in any culture or language would advise that you start at the start – whatever you’re at. Simple but true. An Riocht Athletic Club ended a fantastic year of activity, community involvement and support with its Run Rudolf Run on December 14th.
The event was dedicated to the memory of staunch club supporter, the late Donal Curtin – whose son, Darragh was cast in the role of honorary starter.
It was convened for its autumn / winter clutch of Couch-2-5K participants and, of course, as one of the season’s 5K tests for its core group of serious runners.
As it happened, the event saw two members of that group of serious runners, Seán O’Sullivan triumph in what was for him a very satisfying morning’s work and ditto for Mary Barrett in the women’s race.
Couch-2-5K members achieved and reached their own personal goals that day – as they tend to do on such inner-self challenging occasions.
Now the spring batch of prospective Couch-2-5Kers are being provided with an opportunity to start-at-the-start with a brand new season of a ‘Week One, Day One Programme’ which kicks off on Tuesday, February 3rd at 7pm. And the sessions will continue each Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7pm. for a fee of just €2 per night.
Since its introduction in 2012 it’s been a huge hit for its social side as well as the obvious health and well-being issues. Coaching and encouragement are all thrown in during the hour-and-a-half or so for the nightly €2 cover charge.
Last year’s early-season start got a great booster shot with the appearance of Operation Transformation participant and former Kerry ‘keeper, Paudie O’Mahony – with camera crews and all in his wake.
Anyone looking for more information can find it on: https://www.facebook.com/riochtclub?fref=ts or by the old fashioned telephone on: 066 71 42199 ©2015 www.mainevalleypost.com