What’s being billed as ‘A Solemn Celebration of the Passion’ with musicians, singers and a 40 strong cast of actors in costume will be presented at the Church of Saints Stephen and John here in Castleisland on Good Friday night at 8pm.
The event will be directed by Fr. Pat Ahern. The musicians and singers involved in the performance are from St. John’s Church, Tralee. They will collaborate with the actors in a dramatic expression of the suffering and death of Christ.
Meanwhile, a list of events in the parish in the lead up to Holy Week will include: Easter Confessions at the Church of Saints Stephen and John, Castleisland on Palm Sunday weekend; on Saturday 28th after 6.15pm Vigil; on Sunday 29th after 11.30am Mass and on Holy Thursday after the 7.00pm Mass.
In the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Cordal: On Palm Sunday after the 9.30am Mass and on Good Friday after the 3.00pm Ceremony.
In the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes in Scartaglin: On Palm Sunday after the 10.30am Mass and on Good Friday after the 3.00pm Ceremony.