Registration for membership of the Castleisland Tennis Club 2015 will be held at the courts tomorrow evening, Monday, April 27th from 7pm to 8pm. Membership is €50 for a family , €40 for an adult and €20 for juvenile U-18. For the benefit of people new to the area: The local tennis courts are sited at the rear of the community centre and the pitch and putt club.
Membership can be paid to Jack Shanahan at Haven Pharmacy in the Garvery’s SuperValu building. Coach, John Hennessy will be giving juvenile lessons every Saturday from May 16th and adult lessons beginning on May 22nd.
Contact number for John Hennessy is 087 68 30 350. All new members are welcome to join up. For further details contact local undertaker, Bernard Tangney on 087 68 69 191.
Just tell him you’re fine at the start of the conversation and that it’s the tennis you rang him about.

Bernard asked me to put a picture with the piece here and I’m obliging with one he sent me himself. And he did suggest that he’d leave the caption to me.
Here Mrs. Mary Tangney is pictured with the man who wooed Queen Elizabeth during her visit to the English Market in Cork in May 2011.
Mrs. Tangney, who measured me when I dozed off in Sheila Prendiville’s one fine evening, has an ominous – for Mr. O’Connell – grip on the umbrella she used to measure me that evening.
Anyway, I gave Bernard an undertaking that the note he sent me would get in on time and that it wouldn’t lay buried here on my desk. 🙂
A belated happy milestone birthday to Mrs. Tangney.