As the advertisement says: “All Roads Lead to Browne’s Open Day on Wednesday, May 6th.
Browne’s are past masters at catering for huge gatherings of this nature. And they manage to draw people from well beyond that which should be their natural, commercial boundaries.
Their annual Christmas draws result in a roll-call of names and representations from all quarters of Kerry and many of its neighbouring counties. However, May 6th is nearly as far from Christmas as you’ll get without going back.
Castleisland, its neighbours and their undulating, farming hinterland have been well served by Browne’s for generations.
As far as catering to that vital sector of the community is concerned it’s business as usual.
But, the range of household goods has moved apace with the changes in the lifestyles and domestic dwellings dotting the rural landscape of the Ireland of today.

You’re as likely to find the latest in kitchen crockery or cookery utensils as you are to putting your hand on a two, three or four pronged pike on the spacious floors of the store nowadays.
However, it’s back to grass-roots on Wednesday at Browne’s Home, Agri and Builders’ Providers.
Dr. Mary McEvoy – if you can get Glenroe out of your head for a minute – is a respected, former Teagasc grassland specialist. Dr. McEvoy joined Germinal Seeds last October and they operate four production and distribution sites across Ireland and Britain.

They supply market-leading varieties of grass, clover and other forage crops through dedicated merchant customers and co-operatives. They also run an amenity grass seed business.
Dr. McEvoy is a native of Glendalough, Co. Wicklow and an Agricultural graduate of University College Dublin. She completed her PhD at Moorepark before becoming a member of the research staff at the Animal & Grassland Research and Innovation Centre in 2008.
During her time with Teagasc Dr McEvoy has worked primarily in the field of grassland management research, with a strong focus on optimising production from grazed grass. And won’t she be in grass-land territory when she arrives in Castleisland.
Browne’s, on Wednesday, is expected to be transformed into an atmospheric, tented village. Trade stands and information, spot prizes and conversation will be enhanced by light refreshments throughout the day. Event will get under way at 11-30am and will run to 4-30 or 5pm. For further information Browne’s can be contacted on 066 71 41560 .