Notes from The Maine Valley Post Area

Castleisland Page / Active Retirement 23-10-2009
Larry Long.

Tea Dance in Lyre on Sunday at 2-30pm
There is a Tea Dance at Lyreacrompane Resource Centre on Sunday, November 8th starting 2.30pm

Music by The Singing Jarvey and it’s being organised by Sliabh Luachra Active Retired Network. All are welcome – according to Larry Long.

Christmas Food Fair at Crag Cave

Crag-Cave 1There will be a Christmas Food Fair at Crag Cave on Friday evening, November 20th from 7pm to 9pm.
You’re invited to Enjoy the Magic of Christmas at Crag Cave with a festive evening where food stalls will provide you with an indulgence of tasty, culinary delights from around the locality.
You can listen to live, festive music, treat yourself to a glass of mulled wine, browse around the fashion corner and through the Christmas shop and get that Christmas Gift inspiration.
The event is a Breast Cancer Ireland fundraiser. For more on Crag Cave Click on the Banner

€1,000 Up for Grabs in An Riocht December Draw

Riocht Snowed InFirst prize in the An Riocht AC December Draw is a whopping €1,000. You can join An Riocht AC members’ draw for €60 for 12 months.

This can be paid in cash or by Direct Debit at €5 per. month.
Membership entitles you to use the club’s 400-metre track and entry to the monthly draw.

For further information call into An Ríocht or ring on 066 71 42199  Click on the Pic for details
Castleisland Christmas Craft Fair
A Castleisland Christmas Craft Fair will be held in the River Island Hotel on Saturday, November 28th. from 10.30am. to 4.30pm. There will be a variety of crafts on display. All proceeds will go to the Castleisland Day Care Centre and Recovery Haven, Tralee. Admission is free. Contact: 086 08 20 590.

Scartaglin Craft Fair and 5K Run

Scartaglin Variety Show 28-4-2011
Sheila McSweeney.

A Craft Fair will be held in Scartaglen on Sunday, November 29th from 2pm to 5pm. This will be accompanied by a 5K fun run/walk/jog.

All money raised  will divided between Scartaglin Development Association fund and the Pallative Care Unit in Tralee.

River Island Hotel Card Players Cheque Presentations 22-3-2015
John O’Connell.

Bookings can be made by ringing Sheila McSweeney on: 087 63 25 163
Wednesday Night’s Cordal Cards
The following are the results of the card game held in the Cordal Resourse Centre on Wednesday night.
1st. Peggy Flynn and Kathleen O’Connor, John O’Sullivan and Patsy O’Connor, 2nd. Theresa Lenihan and Kitty Healy. Gents: Paddy Herlihy and Tom Brennan. Mixed: Mary O’Sullivan and Dan Daly. Spots: Michael McElligott and Annie O’Connor, Joe O’Connor and Billy O’Sullivan, Donie Cremins and Jermiah Kerins. Cards continue next Wednesday at 9pm.
