It started off with the highly organic ‘Guerilla Retailing’ tag in Los Angeles – where else?
However, it’s been refined now and rebranded maybe more appropriately as ‘Pop-Up Shopping’ – and it has arrived in Castleisland – The Fashion Capital of Kerry.
While many eyes will be fixed on the General Election 2016 count in Killarney tomorrow, the eyes of the fashion conscious will be on Castleisland’s first ‘Pop-Up’ on the town’s Main Street at No 75.
Branched Out
The Mad Ones aka, Kate McSweeney and Tara Walmsley have branched out from their online boutique and are stepping into high street trading – pop-up style. They will be in the Slice of Life Healthfood store between 12noon and 4-30pm.
While the on-line shop is still very much part of their ongoing business plan, The Mad Ones are anxious to also establish an on-street presence ahead of the spring / summer fashion season.

The Mad Ones name is inspired by the infamous Jack Kerouac quote: “The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.”
Chilled Out Vibe
“There is a distinct, chilled-out vibe at the Pop-up Shop with records spinning and coffee brewing while shoppers browse through the collection of clothing,” said joint owners, Kate McSweeny and Tara Walmsley.

“It’s a place for conversation for like-minded people acting as a hangout with discussions happening as clothes are tried on and put together in various ways. These pieces vary from one-off, vintage items to new-in vintage style, bohemian inspired clothes. The Mad Ones aim to stand out from the crowd and bring out each person’s unique sense of style,” they added.
So, No. 75 Main Street, Castleisland is the place to be tomorrow to witness a bit of Pop-Up fashion history in the Fashion Capital of Kerry.