Castleisland Interagency Youth Forum is hosting an evening with Dr. Fergus Heffernan on this Wednesday, April 13th at 7:30pm in the River Island Hotel.
Dr. Heffernan is a leading educator in the area of family dynamics and stress management and how it connects to our well being. He has worked in a variety of conflict zones in the world and is a psychologist and a psychotherapist.
Relevant to Teenagers
His talk will focus on the family and society and it will cover issues relevant to teenagers such as peer pressure, alcohol and substance use. Attendance if free and all are encouraged to attend.
The presentation is particularly suited to parents, guardians and people who play a key role in supporting the emotional well-being of teenagers and young children.
Dr. Heffernan employs a wonderfully honest, heartfelt, practical and oftentimes humorous approach to the subject of Mental Health and family Issues. His listeners will be provided with plenty of material for ongoing reflection.
He holds a primary degree in Clinical Psychology, a masters in family therapy, and a PhD in Neuro Psychology.
Everyone is Welcome
He is a visiting Professor at many universities in the USA including Columbia University, New York where he completes a residency every year. Having lived and worked in the most distressed areas of the world , Dr. Heffernan delivers programmes in critical incident de-briefing to soldiers in highly volatile battleground situations and resilience programmes in areas of the world devastated by natural disasters.
Everyone is welcome to attend, there is no charge. Refreshments will be provided. For further details please contact 087 75 53 066.