Castleisland student, Ryan Broderick will join fellow students from 16 other secondary schools throughout Munster as they complete the final service of the 2015/2016 Apprentice Chef Programme at IT Tralee on Friday.
A student at St. Patrick’s Secondary School, Ryan has taken part in a series of demonstrations and workshops since last autumn.
These are part of a programme which aims to promote the importance of healthy eating to enhance physical and mental wellbeing and encourage young people to consider a culinary career to help combat the current chef crisis in Ireland.
Excellence in Catering
Excellence in the area of catering is no stranger to Ryan’s family as his mom, Kristine won a European Gold medal a decade ago in 2006.
Kristine made history in Killarney in November 2006 by winning Ireland’s first ever European Gold Medal for overall ability at the 19th annual Conference and Competitions of the European Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools. This also marked the first occasion on which the prestigious event was held in Ireland.
On Friday, Ryan and the 24 finalists will enjoy an authentic professional kitchen experience and serve restaurant standard dishes to a panel of judges, which includes Caroline Gray, editor of Easy Food Magazine.
Almost half of the twenty four students in this year’s final attend secondary schools in Kerry. Having been mentored by accomplished Kerry chefs Mark Doe and Louise Brosnan and supported by nutritional therapist, Susie Cox, each dish presented by the students will have a ‘Good Mood Food’ influence.
Apprentice Chef Programme
This is the fourth year of the Apprentice Chef Programme which was established by Mark Doe of Just Cooking Cookery School and Mark Murphy, senior lecturer in Culinary Arts at IT Tralee.
“Since we started the Apprentice Chef four years ago, 1,700 secondary school students have attended workshops and cookery demonstrations at IT Tralee,” said co-founder Mark Doe.
“The standard of dishes produced has gone from strength to strength and we have been overwhelmed at the success of the programme. We are indebted to our sponsors, Flogas Ireland and Failte Ireland, for their support to date and we look forward to future collaboration to continue to build on the programme’s success and take it to national level,” he said.
Ireland on a ‘Food Moment’
Failte Ireland’s Sinead Hennessy feels that Ireland is having a food moment:
“The current levels of activity relating to food and the interest around local and traditional food practices and traditions shows that there is much happening and much to be proud of.
“We are delighted to support the apprentice chef 2016, and would like to congratulate each student for participating,” said Ms. Hennessy.
For more information on the Apprentice Chef visit www.theapprenticechef.ie and www.facebook.com/theapprenticechef
Here’s a look back to a decade ago in November 2006 when Ryan’s mom, Kristine won a European Gold Medal at the 19th annual Conference and Competitions of the European Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools.
Kristine Wins European Gold For Catering

By John Reidy 30-11-2006
A young Castleisland woman made history in Killarney last week by winning Ireland’s first ever European Gold Medal for overall ability at the 19th annual Conference and Competitions of the European Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools. This marked the first occasion on which the prestigious event was held in Ireland.
Kristine Broderick – a daughter of Sean and Bridie Broderick of Desmonds Avenue also won a Gold Medal for her teamwork, professionalism and communication skills when she was teamed up with a Russian student and they were set a number of tasks for the examination.
Willingness to Learn
During this exam they had to prepare food items, arrange a flower display and set a hotel bedroom while coming to terms with the language barriers.
“Kristine’s possesses an outstanding willingness to learn, to adapt and above all she has ambition,” said Margaret Carmody – her Fáilte Ireland tutor from the Killarney Training Centre based in the Killarney Valley Hotel and Suites.
“She has the talent and skills and she beat the best of all the established Irish and European training schools had to offer in the competition. She won her individual, European Gold Medal for the best overall student in all categories and from hundreds of students from all over Europe. Her win has opened so many possibilities for her now. Hotels will be offering her posts in supervisory capacities and she may even go on to further her interest in the hotel sector by going to college part time,” said Margaret Carmody.
Job Offers
A delighted Kristine was inundated with job offers as she was presented with her medals by John O’Donoghue, TD, Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism.
“I couldn’t believe it when my name was announced There were so many of us in the competition. It was a brilliant experience and as I was getting the medals from the minister there were people shaking my hand and telling me they wanted to be the first to offer me a job in their hotels. I’m not over it yet,” said the talented Islander.
There was further celebration for Kristine and her tutor Margaret in Moyvane on Saturday night. Margaret Carmody is a native of Knockanure and the local vintage association marked the wonderful achievement of tutor and pupil by making a series of presentations to them in the hall in Moyvane. ©