A group of Transition Year Young Social Innovators from St. Patrick’s and Presentation Secondary Schools in Castleisland have qualified for the Young Social Innovators of the Year National Awards Ceremony and showcase in Dublin today.
“These awards in partnership with Ulster Bank recognise teams that have achieved significant impact through their social innovations. Y.S.I teams are invited to this event to celebrate the work that they have done throughout the year bringing positive change to communities across Ireland,” said Presentation teacher, Annette Leen.

Biggest Celebration
“The event is the biggest celebration of social innovation in Ireland with over 5000 young innovators attending. The showcase will take place today, Tuesday, May 10th in CityWest in Dublin and all students are eagerly anticipating the event,” said Ms. Leen.
“The students will present their project to a judging panel and their project is based on Downs Syndrome awareness. It was conducted under the direction of teacher, Mairead Lane-Cronin.

“Their slogan is Say No to Labels, Everyone’s Able and only 61 projects in Ireland out of the 468 submitted have been chosen for final adjudication.
Huge Privilege
“It is a huge privilege and achievement for both schools to be part of this day and fantastic that they get the opportunity to highlight their key concerns on a national stage.
“This will be three in a row for both schools, the Transition Year groups in the preceding two years have also reached the final stages of this competition with their projects on Elderly Isolation and Mental Health. “
“Last week the students took part in the Saint Vincent de Paul Youth for Justice Event to highlight their project and to create even more awareness for such an important topic. Best of luck to all involved,” Ms. Leen concluded.
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