Maybe the wheels of officialdom grind slowly. But grind they do. After a crucial signpost in the Latin Quarter got a slap of a trailer on St. Patrick’s Day it remained in a listing position ever since.
While it was left leaning towards the directions it was designed to point to, it was at an angle of 45 degrees – or so – to the ground and this made it hard to read on the move.

In fact there were some close calls by motorists looking to the post for directions to either Kerry Airport or Tralee.
One such driver and a couple of people standing at the door of Vincent Murphy’s Sports Shop had a very near miss one day recently.
The Maine Valley Post highlighted the predicament a few weeks ago on foot of a rash of calls from locals.
A theme through the calls pointed out that a situation like this would not be allowed to go any further than a day in either Killarney or Tralee.
As Castleisland is now part of the Killarney Municipal Area – even if its vital statistics are being kept with Tralee’s – it’s Killarney we’re most concerned with in this case.
The reason for the delay on tackling the listing post is that, it seems, Castleisland has no Kerry County Council work gangs of its own anymore.
Stranger still is that the Castleisland workers involved in council gangs now have to report to Killarney in the mornings before being sent on their assignments for the day.
I’m hoping that’s not true and I’m hoping someone will put us right on the matter – as it’s gaining currency here as fact.
Meanwhile, an on-the-ball Gerdie Murphy stuck his Ipad out the top window of the Latin Quarter sports shop this morning and sent on this welcome image of work in progress on the long-suffering listing post of The Latin Quarter.
One way or the other, this morning’s developments are welcome and fair play to an on-the-ball Gerdie and his trusty Ipad and his lofty perch in The Quarter.