I got a kind of ‘state of the nation’ email earlier this week from a delighted Mary Walsh of the local Tidy Towns group. With the town looking better now than it ever did, Mary put her thoughts on the email after a ramble around various parts of the area and here they are:
“I’m just back from my walk and I am in such good form that I had to sit down and write to you. I walked around the Black Road which is kept litter free by Liz and Eamonn O’Connor all year round.
Arriving at Knockananlig I came across three residents busy weeding and sweeping the footpaths and channels. Walking from the top of the town to the bottom I picked up one piece of litter, imagine that!
I never thought I’d live to see the day that there would be no litter on the streets of Castleisland. And there was more joy to come.
When I got to the back of the forge, not to be outdone by the crowd at the top of the town, three stalwarts from the Killarney Rd. group were doing exactly what the Knockananlig group were doing. I walked home on up the Killarney Rd and down the New Road picking up just two more pieces of litter.
The town is looking fantastic. So many business premises and private houses have painted over the past few months and everybody seems to be taking pride in their own patch.
Limerick Road has been transformed this year by a very committed group who began work on the KWD weekend County Clean Up in April and have bowled us over with their enthusiasm.
There are groups in every estate and road in town working away and their endeavours are there for all to see. It seems when the bug bites there is no stopping people!
Of course, we mustn’t forget our local engineer, Brendan and his staff, who are always so helpful to the committee, and also the workers who do a very thorough job.
Our local Co.Councillors are very generous in allocating money towards jobs that we need doing.
Cllr. Bobby O’Connell has provided the funding for the baskets again this year and we are hoping to upgrade the footpath in College Rd later in the summer with further allocations.
We have a dedicated group of FAS workers who at present are watering baskets, cutting grass, picking up litter in preparation for the judging which is taking place during June, July and August. We have never yet in all our years seen a judge in the town so we never know whether we have been judged or not.
It is important that we keep up the good work and hopefully it will be reflected in our marks in September.
Whether it is our not, the fact of the matter is that the local community is taking great pride in the town and that is to the benefit of all. Huge congratulations to all concerned.”