20th Anniversary Lotto Celebrations
We are celebrating our 20th anniversary by increasing our Jackpot to an amazing €10,000. Our format has changed slightly, as has been explained to you by your club contact.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those volunteers who helped out with our Lotto over these 20 years.
It is the lotto that keeps our club financially secure and allows boys and girls of all ages to enjoy participating in the GAA.
The celebrations will kick off on the 15th of July in Larkin’s Bar – where there will be music, food and a special guest.
Please come along for what promises to be a wonderful night of celebration and you never know – you just might win or share in that jackpot of €10,000.
So head out and buy that lucky ticket!
August Lotto Draw for €10,000

Our lotto draw for a jackpot of €8,000 was not won at the weekend. Drawn numbers were: 2,23,24 and 27.
The lucky consolation prize winners were: €50 each to Paul O’ Sullivan, Milltown and Eileen O’Shea, Dromid Pearses.
€25 each to: Ann O’Carroll, Kiltallagh; Oliver and Mary Mason, Kiltallagh; Bruddy and Margaret Marshall, Tralee and Shauna Long c/o – Jack Duggan’s Bar, Castlemaine.
Senior County Championship
On this Saturday Milltown/Castlemaine will take on Dingle in Austin Stack Park, at 5pm. This will be a really exciting encounter so please come along and encourage our senior panel.
County League
Milltown/Castlemaine were defeated by a much stronger Austin Stacks side on Saturday evening last in Round 7 of the County League.
Cúl Camps
July 11th -15th For a week of football and fun -along with a chance to make new friends, why not book your place in Cúl Camps, Milltown/ Castlemaine. You can do so on line at: kelloggscúlcamps.gaa.ie or just come along on July 11th at 9.45 to the GAA Pitch.
Kerry Under 14s
What a fantastic achievement for our three local girls Ella, Clodagh and Ciara -part of the Kerry Under 14 girls, who reached the All Ireland Final on Saturday last. They were very unlucky to be defeated by Kildare.
Sympathy to Flynn and Heffernan Families
The club extends sympathy to the Flynn and Heffernan families, Kilderry, on the death of Nora. May Nora enjoy the eternal peace of heaven.
U-16 Challenge
Challenge match on Wednesday evening at 7pm in Fossa. All players will meet at Milltown GAA pitch at 6:10pm. Please let your trainer David Heasman know if you cannot make it.
Munster Champions
Congratulations to club members: David Leane, Dylan O’Neill and Alex O’Connor who were part of the Kerry U-15 team which won the Humphrey Kelleher Cup at the weekend. Inter County Championships
Congratulations to the Kerry Minor, Junior and Senior Panels and their management teams on their great wins over the past week.
Community Games
Well done to all our members who competed in various disciplines at the Munster Community Games at the weekend. We wish you well in the All Ireland Finals in Mosney in Email Addresses
We are still in the process of updating our contact details and these includes e-mail addresses of all the new children and adults who joined our club this year.
We hope to be able to e mail our notes to all of you all in the coming weeks. If you have new contact details, or if you are not receiving the notes and would like to you can private message me Deirdre O’ Sullivan on my Facebook Page with the new details or email me at: navillusodeirdre@yahoo.ie
Player Injury Procedures
Please note that if a player gets injured at training or in a game, it is the players responsibility to inform the coach /trainer /referee and club secretary / insurance officer, Mike Carroll immediately. Croke Park must be notified within sixty days of incurring the injury.
Furthermore all physiotherapy sessions must be paid directly by the player to the therapist. On producing a receipt, the club will then reimburse you the agreed amount per session. This reimbursement is for up to a maximum of eight visits per injury. Please adhere to these guidelines and no exceptions will be made.
Sideline Guidelines
Please note that under age players are not permitted inside the dressing rooms prior to or after a senior game or inside the surrounding fence wire when a senior game is ongoing. This is to protect all parties involved. We ask parents and guardians to continually remind their children of this rule which will be strictly enforced. We appreciate your on going support and cooperation.
Appropriate Football Gear
Can all underage team managers, trainers/coaches please ensure that all players representing Milltown /Castlemaine are dressed in club colours (Green and White socks and togs.) This is to avoid any inconvenience prior to games. We would also ask parents/guardians of players to inform their children of this county board rule.
Defibrillator Availibility
Our club defibrillator is now outside the doors of the clubrooms and is available to the community. As we are all aware, access to a defibrillator can save some one’s life. Our club is compiling a list of qualified individuals who are competent in using a defibrillator. You never know that perhaps your own life or the life of your son/daughter/ mother / father/ brother/sister/granny or grandad may be saved some day by someone on this list.
Please contact Deirdre on 086 17 03 332 if you wish to place your name on the list or private message me on FB.