The Castleisland Tidy Towns Church Gate collection is taking place this coming weekend, July 16th. and 17th.
Committee members are appealing for a generous response. The money goes towards planting, painting and general improvements.
They also feel that they are on a roll in recent times with a huge rise in the volunteering spirit on which efforts like theirs thrive.
The town and its approach roads and general surroundings have all the signs of the extra efforts being put in.
Limerick Road has been taken into care by local volunteers: Denis O’Donovan, Andrew and James Kelliher and Tom O’Shea and it’s been given a new lease of life through their continued efforts over the summer.
Like Herbert Bridge on the Killarney Road, Clonough Bridge has also been furnished with flower tubs and this should really catch the eye of the adjudicator in the ‘Approach Roads’ category of the annual report.
Members of a newly formed group in the Church Street/Tonbwee area are hoping for better weather for their activities than they’ve enjoyed to date but they’re going to take another run at it this week.