The community in Castleisland displayed the strength at its core yesterday morning when its members turned out in force for the funeral of its adopted Englishman, Paul Malpass.
Tangney’s Funeral Home overflowed for the 10.15am rosary and the crowd waited on to walk the short distance with the cortege to the Church of Saints Stephen and John.
There, Fr. Anthony O’Sullivan received the remains and welcomed the huge crowd for the funeral mass.
The Bernard Tangney chosen Paul-bearers were John ‘Deacon’ Horan, David ‘Dauber’ Prendiville, Donal Daly, Owen Reidy, Timmy Reidy and myself. Jim O’Connor Cragg and Mick O’Connell, Riverside Drive brought up the bread and wine at the offertory of the mass.
Short Illness
The late Paul Malpass (71) passed away on Thursday after a short illness. Undertaker Bernard Tangney, knowing that there wouldn’t be any relatives present at the funeral, asked The Maine Valley Post to convey his appeal for a good turnout of locals on the morning.
Born in Stourbridge in Worcestershire in 1945, the late Mr. Malpass spent just about half of his life among the community here in Castleisland and never returned to the UK after arriving here in Castleisland in 1980.
Skilled Plasterer
He had one sister with whom he lost contact some years ago.
Paul a highly skilled plasterer, arrived in Castleisland in 1980 shortly after his employer and friend, Jim O’Connor decided to move back here and take over the management of The Fountain Bar.
Now he rests, facing the rising sun, in the soil of his adopted community. He would have been thoroughly proud of the turnout for his final journey to Kilbanivane yesterday and the Malpass associated conversations in many of the local pubs afterwards. As one man said after the funeral: “He got a right good send-off.” May God be good to him.
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