Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh is back, bigger and better and packed to the rafters with music events for all ages and interests.
Events kicked off on Wednesday and continue through to Sunday 26th. The major draws are the classes and the three major concerts. Classes took place on Thursday and will again on Friday and Saturday from 10am to 1pm.
Seán de hÓra
The concerts start with a special presentation called Casadh na Gráige from renowned composer and performer, Michéal Ó Súilleabháin playing interpretations of songs sung by local singer Seán de hÓra and other past singers from the Blasket Island.

“On Friday night, also in Ionad an Bhlascaoid, we celebrate the pipes in a specially curated concert featuring pipers from three traditions with Cillian Ó Briain, Maitiú Ó Casaide and Pepín de Munhalen fom Asturius in Northern Spain and Merike Perbatis from Estonia on Torupill,” said spokesperson Niamh Ní Bhaoill.
Ava Ní Dhufaigh

“Each of the pipers will share from their own traditions and styles.This concert also includes a special appearance by young local pianist, Ava Ní Dhufaigh.
“Saturday offers a fantastic line up for this year’s big concert with: Seán Ryan, Conor Keane, Máire Breatnach, Steve Cooney, amhránaithe Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne, Paul Dooley, Doireann Glackin, Iarfhlaith O’Donnell, Karoliina Kreintaal and Merike Paberits, Pepín de Munhalen.
Tickets are available at the information desk in Óstán Ceann Sibéal. For further information contact eolas@scoilcheoil.com or 087 35 59 938 and see www.scoilcheoil.com.
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