The official launch of the 2017 Kerry Community Games Athletics Finals took place on Friday morning at An Ríocht AC in Castleisland.
It was the last official engagement on the old red tartan track as the new, two-tone surfacing material was being unloaded as the launch was going on.
The event, sponsored by Denny, will take place at An Ríocht on Saturday 24 June and Sunday 25 June 2017.
Host of Competitors
The games will attract a host of competitors representing all communities from across the county.
“The Kerry Community Games is a child-centred event with a focus on participation. It gives
children an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of sport and the chance to progress and compete in the National Community Games Finals in Dublin in August.
“We are looking forward to a fun weekend with lots of great events,” said Kerry Community Games County Secretary, Margaret Culloty.
Kerry Group – Long Association
Frank Hayes, Director of Corporate Affairs, Kerry Group also expressed his company’s pleasure at its long association with the, now 50 year old, event.
“Denny is delighted to continue its sponsorship of the Kerry Community Games Athletics
“Involvement with sport can be an important part of a healthy, active lifestyle and this event is a showcase for sporting activity and community spirit among young people in Kerry.
“The continued success of this event is testament to the hard work and commitment put in by all those who participate, their parents, the voluntary committee and members of the
community who continue to offer their support.
“I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the participants every success in the 2017 Finals,” said Mr. Hayes.
Track and Field Events
The Denny Community Games Athletics Finals features a full list of track and field events which attract competitors from all quarters of the county.
Young people will come to Castleisland in pursuit of a gold medal and that elusive passport to the National Finals in Dublin.
For more information: Margaret Culloty, Kerry Community Games on 066 97 6 4977
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