The question was asked even as the The Galway Street Club played on. Will they do this or something like it again ?
Betty and The Mad Ones provided the finest example of how a most unlikely business partnership can work together to bring a dream / idea to fruition – when the will is there.
Dream Played Out
The dream played its way out on the grounds of Castleisland Rugby Club on Saturday night – with a brief preview by way of an afternoon busking session in front of Kearney’s Bar.
The electricity of the open air concert on Saturday night was generated by the huge group’s gifted and pure musicianship – of which there are many fine examples on the internet. Just type in Galway Street Club – and enjoy.
And will Betty & The Mad Ones do it all again sometime soon ? We know what they’re capable of now.
Read Your Way Down
Just read your way down through the The Mad Ones post and you’ll come to a very positive conclusion about the good will involved on so many fronts.
And you’ll be forgiven for going away with the notion that they will indeed do this again.
The Mad Ones summed up the dríocht of the weekend thus:
“As you all know The Mad Ones is much more than just the three of us playing shops, The Mad Ones is a community of fantastic people who get behind all these crazy notions and make them happen. Without this group events like last night’s just wouldn’t happen.
Our Massive Thanks goes to…..
First off we’d like to thank Betty O’Connell for coming on board with us, we scared the living daylights out of her at times but it was brilliant for us to have her experience and steadiness throughout the planning and of course on the night itself.
Van Sales Women
To the two nutters inside in the hippie van selling tickets – Joanne and Michelle who sacrificed their own night for us!! Ye are the best!! And to Cathleen and John Reidy for providing the van itself and entrusting it in our care.
To Castleisland RFC, namely Dan and Daniel Casey and Brian and Conor O’Sullivan for providing a fantastic venue and putting in the hours in the build up.
To our site manager Annette for, well, sorting everything and keeping us informed and jumping into ditches when needed!!
To our very own make up artist Lauren Hickey for trying to fix us!!
Art By Donnacha and Labhaoise
To Labhaoise Walmsley and Donnacha Mc Sweeney for the super artwork
To the mad bunch who came down Friday evening for the set up, we’d be nowhere only for ye- Helen, Ann Marie, Tina, Karen, Paudie, Michelle, Elizabeth, Donnacha, Denny and Mairead!! Angela from Den Joes landing on with food for the volunteers pretty much summed up the good will around the town surrounding the event- Much appreciated and very much enjoyed!!
Last Minute Carachute
Thanks to everyone who donated duvets and sleeping bags- Kudos! To Adrian Dennehy for providing us with the stage!! To Niall O’Connor, Connie Casey and Paudie Mc Kenna for providing generators. To Marie O’Leary for a last minute parachute!
To the Galway Street Club now official members of the Mad Ones Community- You guys are going places……just make sure that regular visits to us are part of that journey! The whole town is talking about how talented and friendly you all were and how you set the place alive from the second ye hopped off the bus. Y’all are in safe hands with Dom the Bomb looking after ye!! And finally to everyone who supported the event by coming out on the night, we would like to thank every single one of you- How lovely was it to have that kind of energy around the place on a Saturday night!! Now……..what’s next!!!.
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Copyright Notice: The images and text which appear on The Maine Valley Post site remain the exclusive property of John Reidy, (unless stated otherwise) and are protected under International Copyright laws. Images or text may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of the author, John Reidy, in this instance. Use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration (digital, artist rendering or alike) is a violation of International Copyright laws. All images are copyrighted © by John Reidy 2017 087 23 59 467.