©Photograph: John Reidy.
“At this time of year in particularly it is a well known fact that the department of finance are inclined to fly a number of different kites,” said Deputy Michael Healy Rae.
“The kite-flying is for testing the public mood pre-budget by leaking or releasing details of ideas that they may have for the budget.
Make People Pay
“The suggestion to make people pay 33% tax on the sale of their own home is completely insane and it is so because of the following reasons.
“Firstly, these people if they bought their family home they paid stamp duty on it and paid a mortgage all their lives to pay it off.
“Then perhaps they want to down size and release that home to other young couples who really need it.
A Third Back In Tax
“Now the suggestion is that they would have to give a third of it back in tax to the department of finance.
“To even consider such a ridiculous, mean and stupid suggestion would be outrageous,” said an angry Deputy Healy Rae.
“This kite won’t fly as it is totally unacceptable to the majority of politicians and, most importantly of all, to the general public,” he concluded.
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