An assessment of the road in Dromada will have to be carried out by Kerry County Council staff over the next couple of days before any clearance can be given to re-open it.
The ditching of a crane on Wednesday has blocked the road at a bend close to Renagown Cross since.
In spite of the efforts of the company, involved in the construction of the latest wind-farm in the area, it remained where it came to a halt last night.
Heavy Lifting Equipment

They were awaiting the arrival of heavy lifting equipment to get the machine out of its deeply entrenched position.
And that on a road which may not support the weight imposed by such a manoeuvre.
Single Line or Closure
“Our latest information is that the road will remain closed for the next couple of days and maybe until after the weekend. A thorough assessment will have to be carried out and then whatever repairs are deemed necessary will be done.
“This may require that we make it single line traffic or we may have to keep it closed until the work is completed,” said Kerry County Council spokesman, Owen O’Shea this evening.
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