The Slice of Life Healthfood Shop in Castleisland hosted a keenly anticipated visit by Irish International Triathlon team member, Suzanne O’Sullivan on Thursday.
Sporting a specially struck medal from last month’s International Triathlon Union World Grand Final in Rotterdam, Suzanne dropped in to show her appreciation to proprietor, Monica O’Connor and her staff for their advice and support during her preparations.
Tough Training Regime
Suzanne qualified for the world finals through the ‘national series’ in 2016.
This series takes in a number of events throughout the country where the winners accumulate points and the best four scores are counted.
Having qualified at the end of 2016, Suzanne’s tough training regime began in earnest in February of this year.
Training had to be spread across the three disciplines of swimming, cycling and running.

Rest and Recovery is Crucial.
“Keeping fit and healthy and ensuring you have adequate rest and recovery is crucial. Slice of Life here in Castleisland and Natlife ensured I stayed in the best form with top quality supplements and support,” said Suzanne.
“The world championship race I qualified for was the Olympic distance which was 1.5 km swim, 40 km cycle and 10km run.
“The course in Rotterdam was quite a technical one, and not one that you would typically have encountered prior to the finals.
An Amazing Experience
“It was an amazing experience to wear the Irish Triathlon suit and compete against the best from all the other countries.
“The medal design includes an impression of the Erasmus Suspension Bridge in Rotterdam and we passed through it in the course of the races.
“A lot of work went into the preparations and it’s a special medal to have in the collection alright,” Suzanne agreed.
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