St. Joseph’s Presentation Secondary School student, Patrycja Rzucidlo won first prize at the Creative Tech Festival Design Awards 2 at Google headquarters in Dublin recently.
Representing the Castleisland KDYS Centre, Patrycja’s winning entry was in the 15 plus age category. Her design was originally done for the Castleisland Interagency Youth Forum Logo competition – which it also won.
Work of Young People
Creative Tech Fest celebrates the work of young people and educators who have participated in Techspace.

Youth Justice Worker with KDYS, Helena Falvey entered Patrycja’s design as she had created the new logo for the Castleisland Interagency Youth Forum on which Helena is the KDYS representative.
The youth forum had a competition during the summer for which they invited young people in the area to design a logo for the organisation.
Logo Now in Use
Patrycia’s design was picked as the winner and she received a €50 cheque as her prize. The logo is now in use by the forum.
A party was held last week in the KDYS Youth Centre to mark Patrycia’s achievement in winning the award.
It was a celebration with Patrycja’s family, friends and some of her teachers from Presentation Secondary School in attendance.
Patrycja was presented with a framed Logo by forum chairperson, Dolores McElligott and with a hamper of goodies from member Helena Falvey in recognition of her amazing achievement.
Established in 2010
The Castleisland Interagency Youth Forum was established in 2010, in response to an identified need around alcohol misuse among young people in the town and surrounding areas.
The forum includes representatives from: HSE; An Garda Síochána; Kerry Diocesan Youth Service; North, East & West Kerry Development; Castleisland Family Resource Centre; Kerry Travellers Health & Community Development Project and Talbot Grove.
Network and Share
The aim of the forum is to provide an opportunity for agencies in the Castleisland area to network and share information on youth related issues in the area. It also aims to develop actions relating to reducing both drug and alcohol use and related harm in the community. To find out more about Creative Tech Festival Design Awards simply click on the link here:
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