Cara Credit Union official, Aisling O’Connor lost her engagement and wedding bands over two years ago on Fenit beach.
“Presuming they were lost and gone forever she got the shock of her life when our colleague Kate Walsh from Cordal rang her on Thursday night to say the kind folks in An Garda Síochána – Cork, Kerry and Limerick – Southern Region has posted a picture on Facebook with what looked like Aisling’s rings,” said one of Aisling’s credit union colleagues.
Final Attempt
“This was a final attempt by Garda staff member, Elaine Burke from Castleisland station to reunite the rings with their owner.
“We are delighted to confirm that Aisling collected her rings this week from the Castleisland Garda Station.
“Aisling would like to say a massive thank you, firstly to the person who handed in the rings and secondly to the extensive efforts made by Elaine and all members of An Garda Síochána for going above and beyond the call of duty to find the owner,” said the delighted colleague.
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