Wednesday last marked the final day of the 2018 Mixed Scramble series at Castleisland Members’ Golf Club.
The occasion also witnessed the stepping down of Cyril Quigley from his year-long commitment to this particular, Wednesday competition.
A call was went out for players to come along to support Mr. Quigley’s work and record keeping on the scramble since it began back in the early spring.
Ideal Weather Conditions
Seven teams turned out for the event which was played in ideal weather conditions.
As he officiated with Lady Captain, Maryann Downes and President, Patsy Sweeney, Mr. Quigley thanked everyone for the support they had show to the competition and to him throughout the year.
“We missed only one day and that was the time of the storm and I’m thankful for all your support. “I’m delighted to inform you that Mary O’Sullivan is taking the reins of the competition for the year ahead,” said Mr. Quigley.
Cheques for Ladies and Men’s Clubs
As his duties officially ended he also presented a pair of strapping cheques to both the ladies and men’s clubs.
Ms. O’Sullivan will continue with a ‘non-competitive scramble’ on this Wednesday morning and over the winter months until the competitive version returns in the spring.
Prizes were then presented to the winners before President Patsy Sweeney, with a sweep of his hand, invited the clubhouse gathering to gaze up towards Tulligubeen and out over the undulating course in all its autumnal glory.
Dedication and Fantastic Job
“Take a look at our beautiful course,” he said adding: “We must do everything in our power to make sure it survives and I’d like to thank all the people who played in this competition for its duration.
“I know there are people here who played on every Wednesday and I’d like to congratulate the winners and thank Cyril for his dedication and the fantastic job he has done in making the competition what it is,” said Mr. Sweeney.
For all club information you can click on the link here: www.castleislandgc.com/news or ring: 066 71 41709.
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