Needless to say, but with Christmas hastening towards us with every passing moment, businesses in the Castleisland area will be urging us to stay and shop local.
The River Island Hotel is no exception and it’s advertising its Christmas Party Season of Saturday nights in December.
Parties on 8th and 15th
“The River Island Hotel, Castleisland, has you covered this festive season, with Christmas Party nights on the 8th and 15th December,” according to the hotel issued advert.
“Savour a four-course dinner, with a mulled wine reception on arrival, while enjoying live entertainment from the live band Breakaway, followed by a DJ until late.
All for €39 per person,” said a spokesperson for the hotel.
B&B Availability
The River Island is also offering Bed and Breakfast availability from €35 per person sharing.
“With the newly imposed drink/driving laws it makes more sense than ever to keep your party as close to home as possible.
“There is a plentiful supply of taxis and mini-buses available at the door of the hotel until late and many of them will be available for booking on the party nights as well,” said the spokesperson.
Get in Touch Today
You can get in touch with the River Island Hotel on 066 71 42555, or at info@riverislandhotel.com, to book or enquire about your Christmas party today!
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