Mary Harrington from Leith, Ballymacelligott sent us a reminder that the current state of the weather is almost exactly mirroring that of this very weekend last year.
Mary’s photograph of her husband Mossy was taken on March 4th 2018 and she reminds us that it was on this weekend last year that it started snowing – and which of us will forget the so called ‘Beast from the East’ and the havoc it brought on us.
And this year it has started snowing this weekend – just in case you’re into omens.
And people are saying they’d take the snow if we got a summer like last year’s.
It was also with a word of caution to motorists and all road users that Mary sent the photograph.
The high ground all around us here in the valley is white with snow and it came down as far as the Mick Galwey Roundabout in Dooneen and maybe a hundred yards with it.
The following is the Met Éireann forecast from here to Thursday.
Today – Sunday 3rd March
Widespread rain and sleet this evening with some snow accumulations on high ground as well. Windy as well with fresh to strong northerly winds.
Tonight – Sunday 3rd March
It will become dry early tonight with skies clearing and it will be cold with ice forming on roads and footpaths. Lows of -1 to 2 degrees. Moderate northwesterly winds.
Tomorrow – Monday 4th March
Monday will be a cold and bright day (good sunshine at times) with gusty westerly winds and scattered heavy showers, some with hail. Highs of 6 to 8 degrees.
National Outlook
Monday night: Showers will become confined to Atlantic coastal counties and many places will be dry and clear for the night. Lows of 1 to 3 degrees with frost in places.
Tuesday: A few showers during the day but a good deal of dry and bright/sunny weather through the morning /afternoon. Highs of 9 or 10 degrees. Rain will spread northwards during the evening /night, with heavy falls of rain and local spot flooding.
Wednesday: A wet start to the day, particularly for the east of the country, and then a gradual clearance from the west through the morning/afternoon. Cold and windy for the evening/night in gusty northwesterlies. Lows of 1 to 4 degrees; frost in sheltered places.
Thursday: Bright and showery.
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Copyright Notice: The images and text which appear on The Maine Valley Post site remain the exclusive property of John Reidy, (unless stated otherwise) and are protected under International Copyright laws. Images or text may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of the author, John Reidy, in this instance. Use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration (digital, artist rendering or alike) is a violation of International Copyright laws. All images are copyrighted by John Reidy 2018.