Traditionally, Lent is a time for reflection and self-discipline. What will you focus on this Lent to enhance your life and the lives of those around you, spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally?
By: Tina Curtin, Life Coach
When I was young I associated Lent with giving up sweets and Taytos but now I use this time to reflect on what I value most and what makes me feel grounded and energised.
I make choices and take actions that will lead to me feeling as good as I can on any given day.
Mutual Support
I love having time with my friends and close family for mutual support, encouragement and a laugh.
I love being active and working towards new goals as well as taking the time to appreciate what I have.
What choices can you make that will enrich your life?
Will you say:
- YES, to being more present with your family and no, to being distracted by something else
- YES, to preparing for that new job and no, to putting up with boredom and discontentment
- YES, to appreciating the wonderful things in your life and no, to focusing on what you don’t have
- YES, to taking the first few steps to getting back into the workplace and no, to the fears
- YES, to choosing that course and no, to putting it off
- YES, to organising your finances and no, to I can’t afford it
- YES, to being open to new relationships and no, to the fear of rejection
- YES, to taking up that hobby or interest and no, to the excuses
- YES, to getting behind yourself and your dreams and no, to the barriers
- YES, to re-connecting or making new connections and no, to feeling isolated
- YES, to thinking about what you actually value and no, to mindlessly following others and feeling like a victim
Empowering Your Choices
What we believe affects our everyday behaviours, at home, at work and at play. Are your beliefs empowering you to choose what is important to you or holding you back. Is it time for a Spring Clean? Reflect on who you are now, instead of carrying old and possibly out of date beliefs about yourself!
Everything you Value
Does the evidence correspond with your negative thoughts and beliefs – the nagging voice inside your head?
“I’m no good”, “I’m useless”, “I can’t”, “I’m just lucky”, and yet your boss tells you that you do a great job, you get on with your colleagues, your clients keep coming back to you, you get the job done and meet your deadlines.
“I’m a horrible person,” and yet you have great friends.
“I’m alone,” and yet you have family and friends or community who are there for you when you need them.
“I don’t have enough” and yet you have everything that you value.
Learn and Move On
Of course, we won’t get it right all the time and there will be difficult and negative experiences in our past and present. Learn from it and move on! Practice focusing on what is working well and build on that!
So, this Lent if you are giving up tasty treats and you feel the temptation of a mouth-watering doughnut or lip smacking Taytos, Stop and Think about what you are saying YES to and what you are saying no to!
Your End Goal
Say YES to what you value most (your end goal) but beware that there will always be obstacles like those nasty sugar cravings– so know your obstacles and be prepared for them.
As a Life Coach I help people to explore their options so they can choose the way forward. Life coaching can benefit anyone who comes with an open mind and a willing heart.
Meet Tina
When and Where: Mornings – Monday to Friday and flexible on Saturdays in: Castleisland, Tralee and Killarney
Contact: Phone: 087 67 37 182
Email: TinaCurtinLifeCoach@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TinaCurtinLifeCoach
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