Cllr. Bobby O’Connell (FG) received news from the office of the National Lottery of its ‘Good Causes Award’ and with the news came the request that he would spread the word to his constituents.
National Lottery Request
“I am emailing to ask if you can share with your constituents on your social media and other channels an exciting opportunity for local organisations and community groups through the National Lottery Good Causes Awards, which carry a total prize fund of €95,000,” said the organisation’s spokesperson, Miriam Donohoe.
Celebrating Inspiration
“The awards, now in their second year, are aimed at celebrating the inspiring work being carried out in communities all over Ireland thanks to National Lottery Good Causes funding.
Almost 30 cent in every Euro spent on National Lottery games goes back to Good Causes in the areas of Sport, Health, Arts and Heritage.
€5.4 Billion Raised Since 1987
“Culture, Youth, Community and the Irish language. Last year alone €227 million was raised – the equivalent of more than €620,000 a day.
Since the National Lottery was established in 1987 more than €5.4 Billion has been raised for Good Causes.
County and Regional Finals
“Open to any community project, club, or individual who has received National Lottery funding in the years 2016 and 2017 the awards will involve county and regional finals, culminating in a televised Gala Awards Dinner in the Clayton Hotel in Dublin on Saturday November 2nd.
Awards Category
“There are six awards categories and one special category.The categories are: Sport; Health & Wellness; Community; Youth; Arts & Culture and Heritage.
The special award is the Irish Language – which will only involve the National Final.
“Entries will be judged not on the amount received in Good Causes funding but on the impact of the funding on a local community, group or service users.
Good Cause of the Year
“The overall category winners will receive €10,000 to put towards their great work, while the overall Good Cause of the Year will receive an additional €25,000,” – Miriam Donohoe, PR Corporate Communications Manager, National Lottery.
Closing date for entries are Friday March 29th and entry details are at www.lottery.ie/goodcausesawards
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