Kerry Sinn Féin Councillor Toireasa Ferris has again expressed her continuing concern regarding recruitment and retention of staff at University Hospital Kerry. This follows the resignation of a consultant oncologist at the hospital.
Inadequate Staffing
“How can a hospital operate at a the level it needs to if you don’t have adequate staffing and resources,” Cllr. Ferris asked.
“Once again there seems to be no plan in place for the recruitment and retention of staff at University Hospital Kerry.
Lost Specialists
“We have previously lost our rheumatologist and now in recent days an oncologist. We cannot continue to lose these specialised positions without having replacements to take over their workload.
Taking Issue to Minister
“It is unacceptable to both patients and staff who will have to carry the extra work. Without staff we cannot function at level 2 never mind level 3.
“I have asked my father, Martin Ferris TD to raise this directly with the Minster for Health, Simon Harris,” Cllr. Ferris concluded.
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