Sinn Féin TDs Martin Ferris, Gerry Adams, Martin Kenny TD and Senator Padraig MacLochlainn were part of an Oireachtas delegation which met the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries Michael Creed.
Sea Fisheries Amendment Bill
“I called on the Minister to delay bringing forward legislation – under the Sea Fisheries Amendment Bill 2017 – to committee stage until he has consulted with the fishing industry – north and south,” said Deputy Ferris after the meeting.
Recent Arrests
Speaking as Sinn Féin’s spokesperson on fisheries , Deputy Ferris said that the meeting dealt with the recent arrests of fishing vessels from the north and serious concerns around current fishing laws
Widespread Industry Concerns
“The recent arrest of the two northern fishing vessels has highlighted serious issues with current laws, which must be corrected, and there are also widespread concerns within the fishing industry which must be addressed,” said Deputy Ferris in conclusion.
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