Karen Perfect, Castleisland and Bertie Moriarty, Glountane, Cordal celebrated their engagement with a party at Hughes’ Bar in Cordal on Saturday night.
Celebrating with them on the happy occasion were members of both families as yet another solid Castleisland and Cordal union was marked.
A Great Time
Party-goers echoed the great old line used by notes writers for generations: ‘A great time was had by all,’ as they celebrated and danced the night away.
In fact, the host venue could be excused for celebrating a little this week as, Monday marked the 14th anniversary of the opening of Hughes’ Bar in Cordal on March 11th 2005.
St. Patrick’s Day 2005
Though it didn’t open officially until St. Patrick’s Day of that year, there was a thorough testing of the lines and pipes on the evening of the 11th.
I covered the event, an occasion which many Cordal residents thought they’d never see in their lifetimes.
First at the Bar
“Among the first at the bar was Castleisland taxi driver, Dermot Horan – who readily agreed that the occasion couldn’t be held without him.
Dermot was there, and the car was in dry dock, with his partner Mary O’Connor and Johnny Cahill from Currow.
Up the counter, Joan Daly from Tooreengarrive Glen and her friend, Michael O’Connor were taking in the strangeness of the atmosphere and raising glasses to the new venture,” – a paragraph from my take on the event in 2005.
Congrats to All
Anyway, Huge Congratulations to Karen and Bertie and may they have many more reasons to celebrate with, family, friends and community at Hughes’ Bar in the years to come.
And congratulations and continued success to Seán and Moira on the anniversary of both the opening and official launch this week.
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