Castleisland athlete, and Irish team member, Gary O’Sullivan is competitor No. 471 at the Special Olympics World Games in Abu Dhabi these days.
And what remarkable days they are.
Gary turned 31 just before the weekend and, since, he has turned his athletic prowess to gold and now silver.
Shot Put and 400 Walk Medals
He won the gold medal in the Shot Put on Sunday or St. Patrick’s Day morning and earlier this Monday he has added a silver medal in the 400m Walk to his tally of prestigious titles.
Remember that Gary is already the Irish champion in these two disciplines and it was these titles that propelled him onto the Irish team and to further glory in Abu Dhabi.
Delighted For Him
There isn’t a sinner who knows him that won’t be delighted for him. No one trick pony, Gary is also very involved in Castleisland AFC – the local soccer club. He was the club’s ‘B’ keeper – nothing to do with honey – up to recently.
Lifelong Friend Steven McCarthy
There was no-one happier than Gary when his friend from childhood, Steven McCarthy opened the scoring with a remarkable solo effort for the Castleisland AFC ‘A’ team in a county final in Tralee in June 2017 and Gary was one of the very active water carriers on that warm, Sunday afternoon.
An image from that Denny Premier B League Final at Mounthawk Park is staying with me.
It’s of goalscorer, Steven McCarthy being hugged at full time by Gary O’Sullivan.
I met Steven at the parade yesterday and he’s delighted at Gary’s success.
News of Success
There will be a lot of people here at home wondering when Gary will be returning from Abu Dhabi with his World Special Olympics Summer Games Gold and Silver Medals.
Sincere Congratulations Gary – the news of your success is spreading like wildfire.
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