Duagh Prepares for Country Music Concert
All roads lead to Duagh Sports & Leisure Complex on Thursday, April 4 for The Irish Country Music Concert presented by Mike Gardner of Country Corner – Clare FM.
By: Marian Harnett
A fantastic line up comprises The Ryan Turner Band, Louise Morrissey, Gerry Guthrie, Cathy Durkin, John Hogan, Michael Collins. Following on from the great success of last year’s ‘Showbands Concert’ this promises to be an event not to be missed. Doors open 7.30pm and Concert starts at 8.30pm. Tickets €25 available from 087-26 84 540 or any committee member. Lots of Spot prizes, full bar facilities as well as tea/coffee.
Liam Flynn Commemoration at Glórach
On the evening of Friday, April 5 at 7pm Glórach Community Theatre will be holding an event commemorating the late Liam Flynn, a renowned master of the craft of woodturning who achieved worldwide fame in his field.
There will be an exhibition of some of Liam’s work and a short film made of Liam in his workshop in Abbeyfeale in 2011, documenting the process of woodturning. There will also be short presentations from Yvonne McEnery, Joe O’Keeffe and Mary Leahy.We are delighted to be hosting this event, especially as Liam was a great supporter of the Glórach Theatre, and hopefully in celebrating his work we may offer inspiration to budding local artists. Join us on Liam’s second anniversary to recognise his accomplishment in his craft and to celebrate a life well lived.
Novelty Fundraiser In Duagh
On Friday April 5th Duagh Sports and Leisure Complex Committee will hold a novelty fund raising event.
This will entail the showing of the popular film Despicable Me 3 in the sports hall – but with a twist! The power to operate the film projector will not be taken from the national grid. Instead the power will be generated by local cyclists working, and pedalling- in teams of eight and hoping to supply between 80 to 100 watts of power.
Harnett Reunion Preparations for July
Preparations are now in full swing for the Harnett reunion in July. Many Harnetts are travelling from overseas, with bookings already secured from New Zealand, the U.S.A., Italy and the U.K.
We would love to include all Harnett families in West Limerick/North Kerry in this event. Please contact us on Facebook of by email : harnettreunion2019@gmail.com for information. All welcome.
Abbeyfeale will be decked out in the blue and gold Harnett colours for the festival. There will be genealogy, bus tours, a concert, a gala banquet and a memorial Mass, all at different venues around West Limerick/North Kerry.
Please spread the word far and wide. The event is open to everybody, whether Harnett, Hartnett or other.
For our previous reunion in 2012 we published a magazine with the family stories and histories, along with photographs and articles of local interest.
We would now like items for this year’s magazine. Do you have any photographs or stories that you would like included?
It is important that all families are represented. So please, take a look in your attic or the chest under the bed and see if you have an item for publication and use the email address or Facebook to contact the committee.
We will need the items in good time for publication and we are willing to photocopy documents and return the originals immediately.
Wednesday Club Afternoon Tea Dance
Mary MacArthur in association with the Wednesday Club is holding a Tea Dance in memory of Mary’s late husband Hughie, in Fr Casey’s GAA Hall, Abbeyfeale from 3 – 6pm on Sunday, April 14.
All proceeds to Milford Care Centre. Music by Mike Condon. Tickets €5 from 087 6377310. Raffle. All donations gratefully accepted.
Concert In Athea
A Variety Concert in aid of the Athea Lourdes Invalid Fund will take place in St. Bartholomew’s Church, Athea on Sunday, March 31 at 7pm. Tickets €10.
Fleadh By The Feale
The celebrity concert at the Fleadh by the Feale this year is by the Kilfenora Ceili Band which is celebrating 120 years on the road.
The fleadh takes place May 2-6, concert Sunday, May 5th. Great interest this year in the Bones playing competition so all you aspiring world champions out there – get practicing.
Bingo At The Glorách: Bingo every Monday night at 8.30pm
Open Day at St. Ita’s
An invitation has been issued by the board of St. Ita’s Sheltered Housing to their Open Day on Saturday April 27th.
There will be a cup of tea in the day care centre following the unveiling of a plaque in honour of the late Canon Neville whose brainchild the Sheltered Housing was. The evening will conclude with music by Lost Souls at The Winners’ Circle.
Frankie Gavin Cancellation
Frankie Gavin – of De Danann fame – and his band have had to cancel their commitment to play the Glórach on May 3rd. next.
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