Vincent O Shea, consultant and researcher on behalf of Kerry County Council, in this instance, is conducting research on behalf of the Creative Ireland, Kerry office, in association with Kerry County Council and Ealaín na Gaeltachta, looking at creative work-spaces in Kerry.
Needs for Creatives
The research will focus on identifying needs for creatives, seeking studios, workspaces and creative hubs, in the county.
A consultation process over the months of March and April, will seek to hear from people living and working in the county and their experience in identifying, sourcing and paying for suitable workspaces.
Potential Partnerships
The research will lead to a report and recommendations, focusing on the development of work-spaces, identification of areas where they are most needed and potential partnerships for the provision of such spaces.
Call for Contacts and Submissions
“I would like to hear from creative individuals working across all arts disciplines, including: film makers, writers, designers and makers – graphic, web, fashion, APP developers, coders, festival organisers, photographers, choreographers etc, “ said Mr. O’Shea.
Reflect Experiences
“The research takes a very broad view of creativity and aims to include those working in the area outside of visual arts, music, literature, theatre etc. The research and the report, should reflect the experiences of creatives working in Kerry and solutions will hopefully address the work-space needs identified in this research.
Identifying Suitable Buildings
“If you are aware of buildings that might be suitable for creative hubs or work-spaces, I would appreciate if you could let me know, where the buildings are and if you know, the owners/managers. If you are interested in developing a building or facility where creatives could work, I would like to meet with you.
Meet and Discuss
“If you would like to meet and discuss the research project, please contact me and feel free to pass on my details to people or organisations, that you feel might be interested in talking about Creative Spaces in Kerry. The closing date for public consultation is 30th April 2019,” Mr. O’Shea concluded.
Creative Workspaces Survey
Please find a link below to a short survey for the Kerry Creative Works-paces Survey which aims to assess the needs for such spaces in Kerry:
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