Muire Gan Smál Presentation Primary School, Castleisland will celebrate World Autism Awareness Day in style this year.
The school will host a fund-raising coffee morning at No. 32 Lower Main Street, Castleisland on Tuesday April 2nd from 9am to 4:30pm.
Beside Hannon’s
The shop is located beside Hannon’s Fashion and was actually occupied by Hannon’s while their long established and highly regarded base next door underwent its refurbishment process last year.
The money raised by the school’s coffee morning will go towards funding its autistic spectrum disorder or ASD classes.
All Support Appreciated
“We would appreciate any support we can get. There will be coffee, tea, baked goods and more,” said event spokesperson and Muire Gan Smál staff member, Emma Sweeney.
“We will also have live music there at different times through the day and there will be a nice atmosphere. It will be a great way to brighten up a Tuesday. From around 2:30-3:30 there will be a magician there to entertain the customers.
Talented, Amazing Children
“We will display artwork from some of our school pupils who have ASD – just to give supporters an idea of the talented, amazing children we have the pleasure of working with everyday and who have inspired us to fund-raise so we can do even more with them.
“We owe a huge thank you to Jeremy Burke for giving us the use of his premises and being so obliging and supportive as always.
Supporting Class Development
“Please come out and support the future development of our classes on Tuesday at No. 32 Main Street 9am – 4:30pm. There will be coffee in the pot and entertainment and a welcome for anyone passing to come in and join us for a while,” Emma concluded.
If you’d like to find out more about the day being celebrated in Castleisland by the management and staff of Muire Gan Smál on Tuesday you can click on the link here: https://www.autismspeaks.org/world-autism-awareness-day
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