I got a call from Castleisland Parish Chairman Jack Shanahan with a request to remind the people of the district that rehearsals will get underway on Tuesday evening at 7:30pm for this year’s Good Friday Passion Play.
Female, male and children who would like to join the cast of the passion play are invited to the gathering at the Church of St. Stephen and John on that evening and time.
Running Since 2015
Introduced by Monsignor Dan O’Riordan to Castleisland congregations when he brought the team from St. John’s in Tralee on Good Friday 2015, the event has been attracting huge crowds on each of the Good Fridays since.
The St. John’s troupe staged the play here for the first two years. This meant that they did their performance in Tralee at 3pm and had to pack props and costumes and head for Castleisland for an 8pm show that night.
Castleisland and District Cast
For the past two years the play has been taken on by a Castleisland and district cast under the direction of Kerry Drama Festival Director, Jerome Stack and Tralee native, Brian Caball.
The passion play will go through a series of stage and dress rehearsals over the next few weeks until show-time on Good Friday night, April 19th at 8pm.
If you’d like to be involved just drop down to the church on Tuesday evening at 7pm when the planning will begin.
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