Rosie Curtin went above and beyond the call of duty this week when she contacted The Maine Valley Post after she found a ring outside MP Moran’s on Limerick Road, Castleisland.
She knew that it was of great significance to someone as it was inscribed with the name Josephine and a date.
Wide of the Mark
Days passed – as they do – and there was only one call and that was wide of the mark as far as the identity of the owner was concerned.
In consultation with Rosie, we published the name on the ring and withheld the date as security and under a headline: Who Loves / Loved Josephine?
Those of you with a romantic streak in you will be glad to read that the present tense applies in the Loves / Loved Josephine bit.
A Delighted Rosie
Last evening I got the following message from a delighted Rosie after the owner called her:
“John we finally found the owner!
Got a phone call earlier today ‘It’s me that loves Josephine’ said the caller. They had searched high and low through bins and all for the wedding ring before they saw it on The Maine Valley.
They had lost it when out walking and were delighted to have it back.” Fair play to you Rosie.
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