First year students from St. Patrick’s Secondary School, Castleisland took part in Sci Fest 2019 this week.
The aim of the Sci Fest programme is to promote creativity and innovation and to encourage and develop an interest of the STEM subjects: science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Scientific Investigations
This is done through an active and enquiry based learning and to provide a forum for students to present both orally and visually and to display the results of their scientific investigations.
The programme provides students with an opportunity to engage in activities that link the STEM subjects to their everyday lives and to society.
Problem Solving Approach
The activities that the students engage in support an inquiry based and a problem solving approach to learning promoted by the STEM subjects thus improving their opportunities to achieve academic success.
High Standard of Work
The student were divided into small groups and picked various topics for research. They presented their findings to a representative from Sci Fest this week who was very impressed with the very high standard of work.
The following were the winners on the day:
First Prize: Jack Griffin and Jack Breen; Second Prize: Conor Daly; Third Prize: Finn Nolan, Brian O’Leary and J D Cattigan; Best Presentation: Patrick O’Shea, Colm McAuliffe and James Cooke.
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