Alison McGaley’s CD Alison Sings, which was launched on November 2nd last, has raised the remarkable figure of €6,625 for the Cork / Kerry Health Link Bus run by the Kerry Cancer Support Group.
Successful Launch
A whopping €5,000 of that came from the night of the launch at the River Island Hotel alone – such was the success of the launch there.
“I was thrilled with the huge support I got from the whole community of Castleisland and beyond,” said Alison in reaction to the events surrounding the launch.
“Over 350 people attended the event. There has been very positive feedback from those who were there and everybody seemed to really enjoy themselves.
Gone Very Well
“The CD has gone very well since and it has been a great experience for me and I’m glad I did it and delighted to be in a position to present that amount to such a worthy charity.
There are still some copies of the Cds available to buy from the following outlets: Tommy Hickey’s, Silver Screen, Castleisland, Caball’s Toymaster Tralee and Kieran’s XL Knocknagoshel.
Solos and Duets
“The CD costs €10 and features 13 fantastic songs suitable for all tastes, including a duet ‘Jackson’ sung by Eddie Lee and myself,” Alison continued.
“I also sing ‘The Prayer’ on the album with Bryan Carr. It was a huge honour to sing with these two men on the night and on the album.
“None of this would have been possible without the huge public support on the night so I want to sincerely thank everyone who helped to make the night such a success.
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