Cordal Community Council is putting a call out to all individuals, families, schools, sports clubs and community groups to get involved in the eighth Kerry County annual clean up litter collection effort.
Litter Free Environment
“As a county we are very reliant on our reputation for a clean and litter free environment so hopefully everyone can contribute to making this day a success,” said Cordal Community Council spokesperson, Noreen O’Donoghue.
“The Kerry County Clean up, which is facilitated by KWD Recycling, is a chance for all local residents to get together along major routes on one day and collect all the litter off our roads.
Hi-Viz Jackets
“KWD will supply clean up packs including Hi-Viz jackets so all you have to do is turn up to the meeting point at Cordal Community Centre at 10am on Saturday 13th April 2019.
“This is a great county wide community event and it’s up to you how much you can participate even if it is just for one hour.
“You would be surprised to find how much litter can be picked out of a ditch,” said Ms. O’Donoghue.
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