The 2018/19 season’s Handed Down series will finish with a special presentation of rare archival recordings made in America.
However, the subject material is of very local interest – according to series founder member, PJ Teahan.
Burns Library Event
Film footage from the Burns Library Event during the Summer of 2000 at Boston College includes legendary broadcaster Ciarán MacMathúna interviewing the likes of: Johnny O’Leary, Paddy Cronin, Joe Burke, Nicky McAuliffe and Ellen O’Leary-Healy.
Fantastic Footage
“The film includes great stories, fun and music. Our thanks to Pádraig MacMathúna for sourcing and receiving permission to show this fantastic footage in Scartaglin on Saturday, April 13.
“Ellen O’Leary who will be in the audience on night tells us it was one of the best weeks of their lives, with fun from start to finish.
Season Five – A Great Success
“Our thanks to all who attended and presented nights since last autumn and to the musicians, singers and the volunteers at the Scartaglin Heritage Centre for making Handed Down Season 5 such a great success again,” PJ concluded.
Musical Guests
Musical guests on the night include: Nicky and Ann McAuliffe and friends; Joe Thoma, fiddle; Pàdraig Ó Suilleabháin, singer and, in the young musicians slot on the night: Kyril Healy, Michael Healy, Méabh and Catriona Ní Chonaill.
Venue Filling Tribute
This final night of the fifth season of Handed Down comes on the heels of last month’s venue filling tribute to Cork fiddle player and champion of the music of Sliabh Luachra area, Matt Cranitch.
Jointly presented and expertly researched by PJ Teahan and Maggie Prendiville, it was a live documentary style presentation with contributions from musicians, singers, guests, newspaper clippings, audio and video excerpts.
World Fiddle Day Awaits
On the other side of this final Saturday night for now, World Fiddle Day 2019 awaits with an exciting line-up of musical experiences, exhibitions, session, singing, poetry and all the makings of a great weekend.
Gauging the Success
Different people have different ways of gauging the success or otherwise of events in their localities. I remember asking a Scart man one day how a particular event in the village went and he replied: ‘The two chip wagons ran out of stuff.’
That was it. That was enough.
Accommodation in Demand
World Fiddle Day, from May 17th to 19th inclusive, will be another in that category of weekend in the village. Accommodation will be in high demand as visitors are expected from all parts of the world fiddle playing fraternity.
Meanwhile, this coming Saturday night’s show will start at 8pm sharp. For more information on all things WFD please Click on the link here: https://worldfiddledayscartaglin.ie/
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